Saturday, May 10, 2008

I know I have not posted in the last few weeks. We have been so busy I just cant seem to find the time to upload pictures and post about them. So tonight I decide I am going to just sit down and do it and wouldn't ya know that my camera wont transfer the pictures I have taken over the last 3 weeks!! I had some really good ones of Nick's field day when he was doing the limbo and with his friends, I also had some of our first pool party. Maybe it is just a setting on my camera.
Things have been so crazy lately. I can not wait until the summer so that we can get a break. I was going to put Nick in summer camp for a week or two and let Maddie continue in pre-k but then decided that we are so busy and active during the school year we the kids deserved to have a summer off and just play at the pool and sleep in. Plus I am still hoping to go back to work in the fall so it will be great to have a few months of play time (well sorta I still have housework YUCK!!)before the hustle and bustle kick in.
Nick received a special award today because he #1 brought his reading grade back up to an A and #2 got his assignment book signed for 8 days in a row. (that was part of the deal since he had let his grade fall to a B now don't get me wrong a B is perfectly acceptable if you are doing your best, heck a C is acceptable if it is your best but Nick had been slacking off. His reward was to choose anything he wanted to do and who he wanted to do it with.. he chose bowling with mom, dad, Maddie, Ema, Papa, Aunt Michelle and Tom. It was a lot of fun. The kids were competitive but they wouldnt be my kids if they weren't. He was supposed to have a game but had to forfeit because 4 players did not show and we have to have a certain number. It was disappointing because Nick practices so hard and has to rely on other kids who are not as dedicated. Doesn't seem fair but such is life. In reality it was soooo hot today and the game was at 2 (the hottest part of the day)I was a little concerned about them playing in that heat (well not concerned but feeling sorry for the boys) Tomorrow we are having a relaxing day at mom and dads. I plan to sit by the pool read my book and let Pete bring me vodka lemonades :)
Hope everyoe has a nice Mother's Day. I know I will. I am spending it with my favorite people. :)