Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Going back to work?

I have some pix from Maddie's birthday that I will try and load up later today. Just thought I would do a quick post. I think I am going back to work in the fall. Last week I was offered a position by the director at Maddie's pre-school. I could either go full or part time but I think I will opt for part time. I will still have to get Nick back and forth to school, Maddie has dance class once a week etc etc. I am very much looking forward to working again. I love the kids and am glad that I stayed home for a few years but I am ready to get back out there and have a purpose other than cleaning (those of you who know me know that I hate cleaning!!!) it is thankless and exhausting (when you have a 4 year old tornado following behind you) and dont even get me started on the laundry issues we have. So working with grown ups (and still the kids) will be a breath of fresh air.
Today is Maddie's birthday and we have a party at her school so I better get ready. I ordered Care Bear cupcakes! I promise pix sometime this week. We have a very busy week. This is the only night we wont be at the ball field. Saturday is opening day so there are pizza parties, extra practices, carnivals, scrimmages etc....


Beth said...

Happy Birthday, Maddie!! And good luck on the going back to work thing - can be hard!!!