Sunday, April 13, 2008

Better pictures from the Carnival

Hee are some more and much better pictures from the carnival. Tim's friend came to the carnival that night and he loves to take pictures therefore has a very nice camera. Tim made me a disc of the pics his friend took. Again the little girl with Maddie is Miss Emma and the little boy with Nick is Collin and that sweet little toddler is Devon. That kid is adorable. I am smitten.
We saw a boy from Maddie's tee-ball team that night and he ended up being on stage right next to Maddie when the kids watched and participated in the stage show. Collin is the RockStar with the guitar. The "swing" pics are my fave. Maddie was so happy up there... but take a look at Nick. He does not look quite as thrilled as his sister.
This night was the 1st time in I cant remember how long since Maddie wore a dress! And she looked adorable! I am hoping that this is a sign of things to come! She is such al ittle tomboy! :) (I really dont mind. After all, I am not a girly girl either)
This night was the best time I ahve ever had at a carnival. The kids all got along no fighting. It is so much fun to watch the kids have a grand ole time. :)