Monday, September 22, 2008

The Love Shack Captiva Island, Florida

Since Pete never checks the blog I thought it safe to psot these pics of the Love Shack. This is where eteand I are going for our anniversary. We have stayed here one other time and it was such a quaint little place. True to its name it is kind of a shack. I think the outside looks more like an outhouse!
I have copied and posted some history on this little cottage.

The Love Shack - (written by the owner) When I bought the Inn and made my way around the island and met some of the locals, many stories were told. This of course, is a Historic Inn. You know what that means, old.

Shabby Chic" is very popular, you know. We have been tastefully restored, mind you. With the Historic Designation there are rules about changing certain things. No building are torn down, rather we upgrade.

There was a little cottage in the back. Well, cottage might be a stretch. Locals called it the Love Shack and many stories come with it. I don’t know if they rented it by the hour or not. We just won’t go further, but I think you catch the drift. I used it for my office and then we moved our office across the street. Hence, The Love Shack has been re-created!

Basically, it’s a bedroom and a bathroom with a front porch and side porch. The room comes equipped with candles. Does anybody remember the tune, “The Love Shack”?